Multiple Choice Questions


Dikaryon formation is characteristic of :

  • ascomycetes and basidiomycetes

  • phycotnycetes and basidiomycetes

  • ascomycetes and phycomycetes

  • phycomycetes and zygomycetes


ascomycetes and basidiomycetes

Ascomycetes and basidiomycetes characterised by formation of dikaryon (each nuclei comes from each sex). having n + n constituent.


Which of the following fungi is found useful in the biological control of plant disease ?

  • Penicillium notatum

  • Phytophthora parasitica

  • Mucor mucido

  • Trichoderma viridae

Trochophore is the larva of :

  • Neopilina

  • Chiton

  • Pila

  • all of these

In Entamoeba histolytica, the presence of chromatid bodies is characteristic of

  • precystic stage

  • mature quadrinucleate stage

  • trophozoite stage

  • mature binucleate stage

The protists have

  • only free nucleic acid aggregates

  • membrane bound nucleoproteins lying embedded in the cytoplasm

  • nucleoprotein in direct contact with the rest of the cell substance

  • none of these


In the sporogonium of which plant, columella is present ?

  • Penicillium

  • Spirogyra

  • Rhizopus

  • Ulothrix

Which of the following taxonomist described classification of plant kingdom in "Families of flowering plants" ?

  • Cronquist

  • Takhtajan

  • Benson

  • Hutchinson

Which of the following structures helps in the respiration of lichens?

  • Soredia

  • lsidia

  • Cyphella

  • Cephalodia

Medicine for curing respiratory problems is obtained from

  • Ephedra

  • Calotropis

  • Eucalyptus

  • Cannabis


The slime moulds are characterized by the presence of :

  • elaters

  • pseudoelaters

  • capillitium

  • capitulum
