Multiple Choice Questions


Gene therapy has been successful in curing Codes genetic diseases in laboratory animals through

  • exposure to X-ray to rectify the defective gene

  • replacing the defective gene with a functional gene

  • oral delivery of genes

  • use of therapeutic medicines to rectify the defective gene


replacing the defective gene with a functional gene

Gene therapy is a collection of methods that allows correction of a gene defect that has been diagnosed in a child or embryo. Here, genes are inserted into a person's cells and tissues to treat a disease. Correction of a genetic defect involves delivery of a normal (functional) gene into the individual or embryo to take over the function of and compensate for the non-functional gene.


Which one of the following bacteria has found extensive use in genetic engineering work in plants?

  • Bacillus coagulens

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens

  • Bacillus subtilis

  • E. coli

Flavr savr variety of tomato is a

  • mutated form

  • somaclonal variety

  • transgenic crop

  • high yielding variety

Which one of the following statements is wrong in relation to transgenic Bt cotton plant?

  • Crop yield loss due to the attack by Bacillus thuringiensis bacterium is reduced

  • Crop yield loss due to the attack by lepidopteran insect pests is reduced

  • The use of chemical insecticides in the cotton field is minimised

  • Better quality cotton is produced

Genetically improved crop varieties can be developed in laboratory by

  • somatic hybridisation

  • transgenic technology

  • cell suspension culture

  • somaclonal variation


In which of the following, determination of order of bases in a DNA molecule takes place

  • Gene probing

  • Gene splicing

  • Gene mapping

  • Gene sequencing

In genetic engineering, which of the following is used?

  • Plasmid

  • Plastid

  • Mitochondria

  • ER

During 'gene cloning', which is called 'gene taxi' ?

  • Plasmid

  • Protozoa

  • Vaccine

  • Bacterium

The replacement of a normal gene by its specifically mutated copy is

  • Gene cloning

  • Gynogenesis

  • Gene knockout

  • lnterparietal hybridisation


A natural form of genetic engineering is exhibited by

  • Haemophilus influenzae

  • E.coli

  • Dolly

  • Agrobacterium tumefaciens
