Multiple Choice Questions


Red cell count is carried out by

  • haemocytometer

  • haemoglobinometer

  • sphygmomanometer

  • electrocardiogram



The haemocytometer is a device originally designed for the counting of blood cells. It was invented by Louis Charles Malassez and consists of a thick glass microscopic slide with a rectangular indentation that creates a chamber.


Which one has the thickest wall?

  • Right auricle

  • Right ventricle

  • Left auricle

  • Left ventricle

The cardiac cycle in normal subject is about

  • 0.5 s

  • 0.8 s

  • 1.0 s

  • 1.2 s

Most abundant mineral of animal body is

  • iron (Fe)

  • sodium (Na)

  • potassium (K)

  • calcium (Ca)

Rh factor can produce disease

  • AIDS

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Erythroblastosis foetalis

  • Sickle-cell anaemia


The blood does not clot inside the body because of

  • oxygenation of blood

  • movement of blood

  • heparin in blood

  • absence of fibrinogen in blood

Which of the following statements is related to Starling's law of heart?

  • Greater the stroke volume greater is the heart rate

  • Greater the initial length of the cardiac muscle fibre, more is the force of contraction of hear

  • Greater the minute volume, greater is the heart rate

  • Lesser the length of cardiac muscle fibre greater is the force of contraction of heart

Heparin is produced by

  • kidney cells

  • blood cells

  • bone marrow

  • Chief cell

The duration of cardiac cycle is

  • 0.8 s

  • 0.8 µs

  • 0.08 s

  • 0.008 s


The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in human is

  • 120 mm Hg

  • 80 mm Hg

  • 40 mm Hg

  • 200 mm Hg
