Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is a respiratory disease?

  • Polio

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Cancer



Disease Related to
Polio Nervous system
Asthma Respiratory system
Arthritis Joints
Cancer Blood, epithelial tissue (eg, skin cancer) bones, lymphnode


From which of the following plant is a medicine for respiratory disorders obtained?

  • Ephedra

  • Eucalyptus

  • Cannabis

  • Saccharum

Which of the following animals possess non-elastic lungs with elastic air sacs connected to them?

  • Reptiles

  • Birds

  • Amphibians

  • Mammals

Dead space air in man is

  • 500 ml

  • 150 ml

  • 250 ml

  • 1.5 L

The exchange of gases in the alveoli of the lungs takes place by

  • Osmosis

  • Simple diffusion

  • Passive transport

  • Active transport


Carotid labyrinth contains

  • Olfactory receptors

  • Baroreceptors

  • Chemoreceptors

  • Phonoreceptors

Haldane effect refers to

  • More acidity in the blood

  • Less acidity in the blood

  • More basicity in the blood

  • Less basicity in the blood

After a deep inspiration and maximum expiration, the capacity of lungs is known as

  • vital capacity

  • tidal volume

  • IRV

  • ERV

During inspiration, the diaphragm

  • expands

  • shows no change

  • contracts and flattens

  • relaxes to become dome- shaped


The faster breathing in high fever is due to the

  • Additional requirement of O2 for the invader germs

  • High temperature of the body

  • Mental worry of a patient

  • Loss of appetite
