Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following hormone stimulates the gastric secretion

  • Enterogastrone

  •  Gastrin

  • CCK-PZ

  • Villikinin



Gastrin hormone is secreted by the gastric glands to release the gastric juice.

Enterogasterone is secreted by the duodenal epithelium. It inhibits the secretion of gastric juice and slows gastric contraction.

Cholecystokinin pancreozymin (CCK-PZ) is secreted by entire small intestine. It stimulates the gall bladder to release bile and the pancreas to release enzymes in the pancreatic juice.

Villikinin accelerates the movement of intestinal villi


Kupffer cells are present in

  • liver

  • small intestine

  • pancreas

  • thyroid gland

Vitamin-B12 is absorbed primarily in the

  • Stomach

  • Duodenum

  • Jejunum

  • ileum

Identify the correct set, which shows the name of the enzyme from where it is secreted and the substrate upon which it acts.

  • Ptyalin – Intestine – Maltose

  • Ptyalin – Pancreas – Lipid

  • Pepsin – Stomach wall – Caesin

  • Chymotrypsin – Salivary gland – Lactose

Digestion' word means

  • burning of food

  • oxidation of food

  • hydrolysis of food

  • oxidation of food


Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimulated by

  • gastrin

  • secretin

  • enterogasteron

  • enterokinase

The layer of cells that secrete enamel of the tooth is

  • Dentoblast

  • Ameloblast

  • Osteoblast

  • Odontoblast

Maximum absorption of water occurs in

  • colon 

  • rectum

  • large intestine

  • small intestine

Identify the vertebrate group of animals characterized by crop and gizzard in its digestive system

  • Amphibia

  • Reptilia

  • Osteichthyes

  • Aves


Oxyntic cells secrete

  • HCl

  • Trypsin

  • NaOH

  • Pepsinogen
