Multiple Choice Questions


Intrinsic factor produced by the oxyntic cells of human gut wall is essential for

  • converting the inactive pepsinogen to its active form pepsin

  • maintaining an extremely acid environment in the stomach

  • protecting the stomach wall and glands from autolysis (self-digestion)

  • absorption of vitamin B12 from the dietary supply


absorption of vitamin B12 from the dietary supply

Intrinsic factor produced by oxyntic cells helps in the absorption of vitamin B12 (or cobalamine). It is made by bacteria. It is obtain from our dietary supply from sea food, milk products and meat. The intestinal transporter of vitamin B12 is found only in the ilieum and recognises vitamin B12 only when it is complexed with intrinsic factor.


Select the correct match of the digested products in humans given in column I with their absorption site and mechanism in column II.

  • Column I Column II
    Glycine and glucose Small intestine and active absorption
  • Fructose and Na+ Small intestine passive absorption
  • Glycerol and fatty acids Duodenum and move as chilomicrons
  • Cholesterol and maltose Large intestine and active absorption

Meissner's corpuscles occur in

  • brain

  • nerve cells

  • skin

  • tongue

Brunner's gland is present in

  • duodenum

  • jejunum

  • ileum

  • rectum

Which of the following organs does not produce any digestive enzymes?

  • Salivary gland

  • Pancreas

  • Liver

  • Stomach


Ptyalin is inactivated by a component of gastric juice known as

  • pepsin

  • mucus

  • renin

  • HCl

Cholecystokinin stimulates the secretion of

  • bile

  • gastric juice

  • pancreatic juice

  • succus entericus

Match the following column I with column II

Column I Column II
A. Vitamin- B1 1. Accumulation of fat
B. Gastric juice 2. Loss of fat
C. Starvation 3. Pepsin
D. Obesity 4. Beri- beri

  • A- 3; B- 4; C- 2; D- 1

  • A- 3; B- 4; C- 1; D- 2

  • A- 4; B- 3; C- 1; D- 2

  • A- 4; B- 2; C- 1; D- 3

The serous membrane which covers the lungs is called

  • pericardium

  • peritoneum

  • perichondrium

  • pleura


The usual cause (s) of peptic ulceration is/are

  • lower rate of secretion of gastric juice

  • higher rate of secretion of gastric and duodenal juices

  • improper neutralisation of gastric juice by duodenal juices

  • imbalance between the rate of secretion of gastric juice and the degree of protection offered by gastro-duodenal mucosa
