Multiple Choice Questions


Pyramid of energy in ecosystems is

  • always upright

  • always inverted

  • mostly upright

  • mostly inverted


always upright

Pyramid of energy is a picture of rates of passage of food mass through the food chain. It is always upright, as in most of the cases there is always a gradual decrease in the energy content at successive trophic levels.


The removal of 'Keystone' species will affect the

  • producers

  • consumers

  • ecosystem

  • decomposers

Which of the following is an example of man-made ecosystem

  • Herbarium

  • Aquarium

  • Tissue culture

  • Forest

Identify the correct type of food chain

Dead animal > Blow fly maggots > Common frog > Snake

  • Grazing food chain

  • Detrital food chain

  • Decomposer food chain

  • Predator food chain

When the two ecosystems overlap each other, the area is called

  • habitat

  • niche

  • ecotone

  • ecotype


Which one of the following processes during decomposition is correctly described?

  • Fragmentation - Carried out by organisms such as earthworm

  • Humification - Leads to the accumulation of a dark coloured substance humus, which undergoes microbial action at a very fast rate

  • Catabolism - Last step in the decomposition under fully anaerobic condition

  • Leaching - Water soluble inorganic nutrients rise to the top layers of soil

Trophic levels in ecosystem is formed by

  • only bacteria

  • only plants

  • only herbivores

  • organisms linked in food chain

Main cause of eutrophication is

  • fluctuation of temperature

  • unusual growth of aquatic vegetations

  • enrichment of nutrients

  • abundance of microorganisms

Acid rain is caused by

  • NO2

  • SO2 and NO2

  • SO3

  • CO2


Secondary productivity is rate of formation of new organic matter by

  • producer

  • parasite

  • consumer

  • decomposer
