Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following experiments suggests that simplest living organisms could not have originated spontaneously from non-living matter?

  • Microbes did not appear in stored meat

  • Larvae could appear in decaying organic matter

  • Microbes appeared from unsterilized organic matter

  • Meat was not spoiled, when heated and kept sealed in a vessel


Meat was not spoiled, when heated and kept sealed in a vessel

Pasteur performed experiments in which he took sterilized (by boiling) yeast and sugar solution in a long necked, then he bent the neck of the flask like a neck of swan. After one month he observed that no life appeared in flask solution because the curved flask neck acts as a filter. He later on broken down the neck and observed the solution. He found that many micro-organisms were originated in solution.


In Ornithine cycle, which of the following wastes are removed from the blood?

  • Urea and urine

  • Ammonia and urea

  • CO2 and ammonia

  • CO2 and urea

Which of the following is not vestigial in man?

  • Tail vertebrae

  • Nails

  • Nicitating membrane

  • Vermiform appendix

Presence of tail in a child is an example of

  • atavism

  • divergent evolution

  • convergent evolution

  • mutation

There are two opposing views about origin of modern man. According to one view Homo erectus in Asia were the ancestors of modern man. A study of variations of DNA however suggested African origin of modern man. What kind of observation on DNA variation could suggest this?

  • Greater variation in Africa than in Asia

  • Variation only in Asia and no variation in Africa

  • Greater variation in Asia than in Africa

  • Similar variation in Africa and Asia


Which have not left any evidences of organic evolution

  • Archaeopteryx

  • Cow

  • Peripatus

  • Neopilina

Which one of the following phenomena supports Darwin's concept of natural selection in organic evolution?

  • Development of transgenic animals

  • Production of 'Dolly' the sheep by cloning

  • Prevalence of pesticide resistant insects

  • Development of organs from 'stem cells' for
    organ transplantation

Mesozoic era is Golden period of

  • reptiles

  • Mollusca

  • fishes

  • amphibians

Pneumatic bones are expected to be found in

  • house lizard

  • flying fish

  • pigeon

  • tadpole of frog


Organs which differ in origin but perform similar functions

  • analogous

  • homologous

  • vestigial

  • all of these
