Multiple Choice Questions


Stanley Miller performed an experiment to prove the origin of life. They took gases NH3 and H2 along with

  • Nand H2O

  • H2O and CH4

  • CH4 and N2

  • CO2 and NH3


H2O and CH4

Stanley Miller using CH2 :NH3 :Hgases in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1 and water vapours synthesised many simple organic compounds including amino acids, glycine, alanine and aspartic acid. According to him, life originated from NH3, CH2, H2 and H20.


Dinosaurs become extinct in

  • Permian age

  • Triassic period

  • Jurassic period

  • Cretaceous period

Which one of the following is vestigeal organ of human

  • Hair

  • Intestine

  • Wisdom teeth

  • Muscle of glottis

Example of analogous organs is :

  •  wings of bird and insect

  • forelimbs of horse and man

  • teeth of elephant and man

  • none of the above

Documented microfossils have been found that are as old as

  • 2.5 billion years

  • 1.5 billion years

  • 3.5 billion years

  • 2.5 million years


During starvation what will be sequence of ending of food stuffs ?

  • Carbohydrates - Fat- Protein

  • Carbohydrate - Protein - Fat

  • Fat - Protein - Carbohydrate

  • Fat - Carbohydrate- Protein

Set which includes only analogous organs is

  • wings of butterfly, housefly and bat

  • hindlegs of horse, grasshopper and bat

  • wings of butterfly and wingspread of bat and birds

  • mandibles of cockroach, mosquito and honey bee

Which one is not correct?

  • Human - Ureotelic

  • Birds - Uricotelic

  • Lizards - Uricotelic

  • Whale - Ammonotelic

The first animal domesticated by primitive man was

  • dog

  • horse

  • cat

  • cow


Which of the following as a living fossil 

  •  Pinus 

  • Gnetum

  • Ginkgo 

  • Riccia
