Short Answer Type


What are poikilothermic animals?

The organisms whose body temperature fluctuates considerably with that of their environment are called poikilothermic or cold blooded animals, eg, fishes, amphibians.


Multiple Choice Questions

Lichens are important in the studies on atmospheric pollution because they

  • can grow in polluted atmosphere

  • can readily multiply in polluted atmosphere

  • efficiently purify the atmosphere

  • are very sensitive to pollutants like sulphur dioxide

Allopatric speciation is due to :

  • geographical separation of population

  • hybridization between closely related species

  • migration of the members of a species from one to other population

  • both (b) and (c)

Which is the closest pet of human being ?

  • Cat

  • Cow

  • Dog

  • Buffalo

Which is not applicable to the biological species concept

  • Hybridization

  • Natural population

  • Reproductive isolation

  • Gene pool


Darwin finches are related to which of the following evidences ?

  • Fossils

  • Embryology

  • Anatomy

  • Geographical distribution

In which of the following population, genetic drift operates?

  • Island

  • Smaller

  • Larger

  • Continental

The scientific name of Java man is

  • Homo habilis

  • Homo sapiens neandarthalensis

  • Homo erectus erects

  • Australopithecus bisei

Evolutionary convergence is characterized by:

  • development of characteristics by random mating

  • replacement of common characteristic in different related groups

  • development of dissimilar characteristics in closely related groups

  • development of a common set of characteristics in groups of different ancestry


What is a key stone species ?

  • A rare species that has minimal impact on biomass and on other species in community

  • A dominant species that constitutes a large proportion of biomass, which affects many other species

  • A common species that has plenty of biomass, yet has a fairly low impact on the community's organization

  • A species which makes up only a small proportion of the total biomass of a community, yet has a huge impact on the community's organization and survival
