Multiple Choice Questions


The parts labeled as (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) of renal corpuscle represents

  • A - Afferent arteriole; B - Efferent arteriole; C - Glomerulus; D - Bowman's capsule; E - Proximal convoluted tubule

  • A - Efferent arteriole; B - Afferent arteriole; C - Glomerulus; D - Bowman's capsule; E - Proximal convoluted tubule

  • A - Proximal convoluted tubule ; B - Efferent arteriole; C - Glomerulus; D - Bowman's capsule; E - Distal convoluted tubule

  • A - Afferent arteriole; B - Efferent arteriole; C - Bowman's capsule; D - Glomerulus; E - Proximal convoluted tubule

  • A - Afferent arteriole; B - Efferent arteriole; C - Bowman's capsule; D - Glomerulus; E - Proximal convoluted tubule


A - Afferent arteriole; B - Efferent arteriole; C - Glomerulus; D - Bowman's capsule; E - Proximal convoluted tubule

Afferent arteriole – are a group of blood vessels that supply the nephrons in excretory system.

Efferent arteriole – efferent arteriole carries blood away from the glomerulus

Glomerulus – it is a network of capillaries located at the beginning of a nephron in the kidney.

Bowman's capsule – it is cup like sack at the beginning of the tubular component of a nephron in mammalian kindney that performs the first step in the filtration of blood to form urine.

Proximal convoluted tubule – it is part of vertebrate nephron that lies between Bowman's capsule and the loop of Henle and functions specially in the resorption of sugar. Sodium and chloride ions and water.


Vasa recta refers to

  • rectum region of the insects

  • blood capillaries in invertebrates

  • a fine blood capillary network of afferent arteriole

  • a fine capillary which runs parallel to Henle's loop

  • a fine capillary which runs parallel to Henle's loop

The condition in which the kidneys fail to conserve water leading to water loss and dehydration due to impaired ADH synthesis or release is

  • Grave's disease

  • Addison's disease

  • Diabetes insipidus

  • Cretinism

  • Cretinism

Identify the correct statement regarding urine formation

  • Counter current mechanism works around the glomerulus and PCT

  • To prevent diuresis, ADH facilitates water reabsorption
    from the latter parts of the tubule

  • Maximum absorption of electrolytes occurs in the Henle's loop

  • A decrease in blood pressure can increase the glomerular filtration rate

  • A decrease in blood pressure can increase the glomerular filtration rate

Find the wrongly matched pair.

  • Balanoglossus - Proboscis gland

  • Earthworm - Nephridia

  • Grasshopper - Malpighian tubules

  • Prawn - Flame cells

  • Prawn - Flame cells


Choose the wrong statement regarding urine formation

  • Filtration is non-selective process performed by glomerulus

  • The glomerular capillary blood pressure causes filtration of blood through three layers

  • GFR in a healthy individual is approximately 125 ml/min

  • A fall in GFR activates the JG cells to release renin

  • A fall in GFR activates the JG cells to release renin

Read the following statements and choose the correct option

(i) The glomerular filtration rate in a healthy individual is about 180 ml per day.

(ii) All the constituents of the plasma pass into the lumen of Bowman's capsule.

(iii) 70/80% of electrolytes and water are reabsorbed in the PCT.

(iv) Angiostesin II increases the glomerular blood pressure and GFR.

(v) The counter current systems contribute in concentrating the filtrate.

  • (i) and (ii) only are correct

  • (v) alone is correct

  • (ii), (iii) and (iv) only are correct

  • (iii), (iv) and (v) only are correct

  • (iii), (iv) and (v) only are correct

Which of the following factors is responsible for the formation of concentrated urine?

  • maintaining hyperosmolarity towards inner medullary interstitium in the kidneys.

  • Secretion of erythropoietin by Juxtaglomeular complex.

  • Hydrostatic pressure during glomerular filtration

  • low levels of antidiuretic hormone

In mammals, ammonia produced by metabolism is converted into urea in the

  • Kidney

  • Liver

  • Spleen

  • Blood

  • Blood


Excretory structures in Rotifers are

  • Green glands

  • Malpighian tubules

  • Flame cells

  • Gills

  • Gills
