Multiple Choice Questions


Continuous exposer to vinyl chloride may cause cancer of the

  • Liver

  • spleen

  • vagina

  • Prostate gland



Vinyl Chloride is used to make Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) plastic and vinyl products. Long-term exposure to vinyl chloride through inhalation and oral exposer in human result in liver damage or cancer.


Which one of the following antibodies play an important role as mediator in allergic response?

  • IgE

  • IgG

  • IgD

  • IgA

Who received Nobel Prize in 1951 for the development of a vaccine for yellow fever?

  • Max Theiler

  • Ronald Ross

  • Max Delbruck

  • Francis Peyton Rous

An occupational lung disease that occurs in humans, among those given below is

  • Dyspnea

  • Anthracosis

  • Atelectasis

  • Cyanosis

Meniere’s disease is associated with

  • Ear

  • Eye

  • Nose

  • Throat


Diphtheria is caused by

  • Poison released by living bacterial cell into the host

  • Poison released from the dead bacterial cell into the host

  • Poison released by the virus into the host

  • Excessive immune response by the body of the host

An autoimmune disease is

  • AIDS

  • haemophilia

  • Allergy

  • Myasthenia Gravis

Which of the following T-cells and destroyed by HIV?

  • Cytotoxic T-cells

  • Killer T-cells

  • Suppressor T-cells

  • Helper T-cells

Which one of the following is a matching pair of vector and the disease?

  • Culex – Filariasis

  •  Housefly – Leprosy

  • Aedes aegypti – Chickenpox

  • Sandfly – Cholera


Which one of the following options is not a sexually transmitted disease?

  • AIDS

  • Hepatitis-B

  • Pertussis

  • Syphilis
