Multiple Choice Questions


Phase of menstrual cycle when ovulation occurs in

  • luteal

  • menstural

  • proliferative

  • resting



Menstrual cycle consists of resting phase; proliferation phase, leutal phase and menstruation phase. At proliferative phase ovulation takes place.


When embryonic development is completed in mother but the embryo not accept nutritent from mother, which is known as

  • ovoviparous

  • viviparous

  • oviparous

  • All of these

Corpus luteum in mammals occurs in

  • brain and connects two cerebral hemispheres

  • ovaries and produces progesterone

  • heart and initiate contraction

  • skin and acts as a pain receptor

The basic principles of embryonic development were first given by

  • Weismann

  • Haeckel

  • Von Baer

  • Malthus

Which of the following embryonic membranes structure is excretory in function?

  • Amnion

  • Allantois

  • Yolk sac

  • Vitelline chorion


Cessation of menstrual cycle in women is called

  • menopause

  • lactation

  • ovulation

  • parturition

Gastrula is differ from blastula in

  • three germ layers

  • micromeres

  • blastocoel

  • None of the above

Process of maturation and development of sperms is called

  • oogenesis

  • spermatogenesis 

  • spermiogenesis

  • None of these

Sertoli cells are associated with

  • kidney of rabbit

  • ovary of frog

  • testis of rabbit

  • ovary of rabbit


Bartholin's glands are situated

  • on either side of vagina in humans

  • on either side ofvas deferens in humans

  • on the sides of the head of some amphibians

  • at the reduced tail end of birds
