Multiple Choice Questions


Structural element of chromatin is

  • histone

  • acid protein and DNA

  • nuclear matrix

  • nucleosomes



Chromatin is composed of nucleosome which contains eight histone molecule around which DNA is wound. Some portion of chromatin takes darker stain during interphase called heterochromatin while the portion which take lighter stain are called euchromatin.


DNA sequences that code for protein are known as

  • introns

  • exons

  • control regions

  • intervening sequences

What will be the codons in mRNA if the DNA codes are ATG - CAG?

  • TAC - GTC

  • UAC - GUC

  • UCA - TUA

  • TCA - GTC

Which one of the following triplet codon is a chain termination codon?

  • UGU

  • AAU

  • UUG

  • UAG

Melting of DNA at an elevated temperature (70°C) is primarily due to the breakdown of

  • phosphodiester bonds

  • glycosidic bonds

  • disulphide bonds

  • hydrogen bonds


Which one of the following triplet codon is known as initiation codon?

  • UUU

  • UAA

  • AUG

  • UGA

Out of A-T, G-C pairing, bases of DNA may exist in alternate valency state owing to arrangement called

  • tautomerisational mutation

  • analogue substitution

  • point mutation

  • frameshift mutation

The chemical nature of chromatin is as follows

  • nucleic acids

  • nucleic acid and histone proteins

  • nucleic acids, histone and non-histone proteins

  • nucleic acids and non-histone proteins

A-DNA is

  • left-handed helix with 12 nucleotide pairs per turn

  • right-handed helix with 11 nucleotide pairs per turn

  • right handed helix with 12 nucleotide pairs per turn

  • left-handed helix with 11 nucleotide pairs per tum


Short Answer Type

What is ribozyme?
