Multiple Choice Questions


Melting of DNA at an elevated temperature (70°C) is primarily due to the breakdown of

  • phosphodiester bonds

  • glycosidic bonds

  • disulphide bonds

  • hydrogen bonds


hydrogen bonds

Denaturation is the loss of function of a protein caused due to loss of structure. Heat can cause denaturation of DNA. It can disrupt the hydrogen and ionic bonds thus causing the 3 -D-structure to unravel.


Out of A-T, G-C pairing, bases of DNA may exist in alternate valency state owing to arrangement called

  • tautomerisational mutation

  • analogue substitution

  • point mutation

  • frameshift mutation

Structural element of chromatin is

  • histone

  • acid protein and DNA

  • nuclear matrix

  • nucleosomes

The chemical nature of chromatin is as follows

  • nucleic acids

  • nucleic acid and histone proteins

  • nucleic acids, histone and non-histone proteins

  • nucleic acids and non-histone proteins

Short Answer Type

What is ribozyme?


Multiple Choice Questions

Which one of the following triplet codon is known as initiation codon?

  • UUU

  • UAA

  • AUG

  • UGA

A-DNA is

  • left-handed helix with 12 nucleotide pairs per turn

  • right-handed helix with 11 nucleotide pairs per turn

  • right handed helix with 12 nucleotide pairs per turn

  • left-handed helix with 11 nucleotide pairs per tum

Which one of the following triplet codon is a chain termination codon?

  • UGU

  • AAU

  • UUG

  • UAG

DNA sequences that code for protein are known as

  • introns

  • exons

  • control regions

  • intervening sequences


What will be the codons in mRNA if the DNA codes are ATG - CAG?

  • TAC - GTC

  • UAC - GUC

  • UCA - TUA

  • TCA - GTC
