Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following features of genetic code does allow bacteria to produce human insulin by recombinant DNA technology?

  • Genetic code is redundant

  • Genetic code is nearly universal

  • Genetic code is specific

  • Genetic code is not ambiguous


Genetic code is nearly universal

In recombinant DNA technology bacteria is able to produce human insulin because genetic code is nearly universal.


Purines found both in DNA and RNA are

  • Adenine and guanine

  • Guanine and cytosine

  • Cytosine and thymine

  • Adenine and thymine

DNA precipitation out of a mixture of biomolecules can be achieved by treatment with

  • Chilled ethanol

  • Methanol at room temperature

  • Chilled chloroform

  • Isopropanol

Match the following genes of the Lac operon with their respective products :

A. i gene (i) β-galactosidase
B. z gene (ii) Permease
C. a gene (iii) Repressor
D. y gene (iv) Transacetylase

Select the correct option

  • A - (iii); B - (i); C - (ii); D - (iv)

  • A - (iii); B - (i); C - (iv); D - (ii)

  • A - (iii); B - (i); C - (i); D - (ii)

  • A - (i); B - (iii); C - (ii); D - (iv)
