Multiple Choice Questions


Botanical name of 'chana' is

  • Cicer arietinum

  • Phaseolus aureus

  • Lablab purpureus

  • Dolichos


Cicer arietinum

Botanical Name Common Name Family
Cicer arietnum Gram Papillionaceae
Phaseolus aureus Green gram Papillionaceae
Dolichos lablab Sem  Papillionaceae


Which of the following is a true nut?

  • Walnut

  • Cashewnut

  • Groundnut

  • Pistachio

Trimerous flower, superior ovary and axile placentation is characteristics of

  • Liliaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

  • Solanaceae

  • Compositae

Clinging roots are found in

  • orchids

  • Trapa

  • Podostemon

  • screwpine

Pappus is modified

  • calyx

  • corolla

  • bracts

  • gynoecium


Chicory powder which is mixed with coffee powder is obtained from

  • root

  • leaf

  • stem

  • seeds

Edible part in 'sorosis', a composite fruit, is

  • cotyledons

  • endosperm

  • perianth and peduncle

  • fleshy thalamus

Lady finger belongs to family

  • Malvaceae

  • Cucurbitaceae

  • Liliaceae

  • Brassiaceae

An obligate root parasite is

  • Rafflesia

  • Loranthus

  • Viscum

  • Striga


Stem cuttings are commonly used for the proprogation of

  • banana

  • rose

  • mango

  • cotton
