Multiple Choice Questions


Vetebrate brain differentiates from

  • Endoderm

  • Mesoderm

  • Ectoderm

  • Blastoderm



The brain is the centre of the nervous system in all vertebrates and most invertebrate animals. The neural plate of ectoderm forms the brain, spinal cord and nerves.


Sympathetic nervous system induces

  • Heartbeat

  • Secretion of digestive juice

  • Secretion of saliva

  • All of the above

Parkinsonism is related with

  • Brain

  • Spinal Nerve

  • Cranial Nerves

  • All of these

'Adaptation' of eyes in dark is due to

  • depletionof vision pigment in rods

  • depletion of vision pigment in cones

  • repletion of vision pigment in rods

  • repletion of vision pigment in cones

If the threshold for hearing increasing 1000 times, the hearing loss is

  • 40 decibels

  • 50 decibels

  •  60 decibels

  • None of these


In parasympathetic nervous system, which of the following is released?

  • Epinephrine

  • Norepinephrine

  • Serotonin

  • Acetylcholine

The junction between the axon of one neuron and the dendrite of the next is called

  • Junction point

  • A synapse

  • A joint

  • Constant bridge

Which of the following is important for muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission?

  • Ca2+ ions

  • Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions

  • Mg2+ ions

  • Fe2+ ions

Human ear ossicles are

  • incus and stapes

  • stapes

  • incus, malleus and stapes

  • incus and malleus


Which cranial nerve has the highest number of branches?

  • Facial nerve

  • Trigeminal

  • Vagus nerve

  • None of these
