Multiple Choice Questions


Eustachian canal connects

  • middle ear with external ear

  • middle ear with internal ear

  • external ear with internal ear

  • pharynx with middle ear


middle ear with external ear

The fucntion of  Eustachian tube is to equalise air pressure on both (external and middle ear) the sides of tympanic membrane. Thus, it connects middle ear with external ear.


If dorsal nerve of spinal cord is broken down then its effect is

  • no impulse is transmitted

  • impulse is transmitted but slowly

  • impulse is transmitted fast

  • no effect on impulse

Neural canal is present in

  •  humerus

  •  tibia-fibula

  • vertebral column

  •  cranial bones

From outer to inside the sequence of three bones present in the middle ear of mammals is

  • malleus, stapes and incus

  • stapes, malleus and incus

  • malleus, incus and stapes

  • incus, malleus and stapes

Tree of life is

  • arbor vitae

  • pons Varolii

  • organ of Corti

  • diencephalon


In a man, abducens nerve is injured. Which one ofthe following functions will be affected?

  • Movement of the eye ball

  • Swallowing

  • Movement of the tongue

  • Movement of the neck

Autonomic nervous system affects

  • reflex actions

  • sensory organs

  • internal organs

  • None of these

Aqueous and vitreous humour are divided by

  • lens

  • iris

  • retina

  • optic nerve

The cavity of diencephalon is known as

  • I ventricle

  • II ventricle

  • III ventricle

  • iter


The velocity of conduction of nerve impulse in frog is

  • 300 m/s

  • same as of electricity

  • faster than sound

  • 30 m/s
