Multiple Choice Questions


Which part of retina consists of only cones?

  • Fovea centralis

  • optic nerve

  • Blind spot

  • Orasmata


Fovea centralis

Fovea centralis is a small, central pit composed of closely packed cones in the eye. Ability for vision is highest in the fovea.

Optic nerve is a bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibres that carry visual messages. It is composed of retinal ganglion cell axon and glial cells.

Blind spot is a small portion of the visual field of each eye that corresponds to the position of the optic disk within the retina. There are no photoreceptors in the optic disk and therefore, no image detection takes place.


Now-a-days cornea transplantation is very popular. The reason is that it

  • is easy to preserve

  • transplanted very easily

  • can be easily obtained

  • does not link with blood supply and immune system

Unidirectional transmission of a nerve impulse through nerve fibre is due to the fact that

  • nerve fibre is insulated by a medullary sheath

  • sodium pump starts operating only at the cyton and then continues into the nerve fibre

  • neurotransmitters are released by dendrites and not by axon endings

  • neurotransmitters are released by the axon endings and not by dendrites.

Which of the following is the part of mid brain of rabbit?

  • Diencephalon

  • Cerebrum

  • Corpora quadrigemina

  • None of the above

One of the examples of the action of the autonomous nervous system is

  • knee-jerk response

  • pupillary reflex

  • swallowing of food

  • peristalsis of the intestines


Which one of the following depresses brain activity and produces feelings of calmness, relaxation and drowsiness?

  • Valium

  • Morphine

  • Hashish

  • Amphetamines

Reflex action involves

  • spinal cord

  • cerbellum

  • medulla oblongata

  • optic lobe

Ventricles are related to

  • heart only

  • brain only

  • both 'a' and 'b'

  • none of these

Schwann cell is found around

  • axon

  • cyton

  • dendrite

  • dendron


Cornea transplant in humans is almost never rejected. This is because

  • it is composed of enucleated cells

  • it is a non-living layer

  • its cells are least penetrable by bacteria

  • it has no blood supply
