Multiple Choice Questions


The friction between the eyelids and the cornea is avoided by the secretion of

  • lachrymal glands

  • conjunctiva and eyelids

  • hardarian glands

  • Meibomian glands


Meibomian glands

Meibomian glands are also called tarsal glands and are modified sebaceous gland on the edges of eyelids, these keep a thin film of oil over the cornea which acts as lubricant.


Short Answer Type

What is cochlear microphonics?

Multiple Choice Questions

Scala vestibuli is connected with

  • fenestra rotundus

  • fenestra ovalis

  • scala tympani

  • scala media

Which of the following element is responsible for Minamata disease?

  • Hg

  • Pb

  • Cd

  • Fe

In human, corpus callosum connects

  • the two optic lobes

  • bone and muscle

  • the two cerebral hemispheres

  • two lobes of pituitary gland


Short Answer Type

What is axon reflex?

Multiple Choice Questions

Which part of the human brain is largest

  • Cerebellum

  • Thalamus

  • Cerebrum

  • Medulla

Part of the brain concerned with the muscular movement is

  • cerebellum

  • thalamus

  • Hippocampus

  • temporal lobe of cerebrum

Which statement is incorrect for ion-channels?

  • They are proteins

  • Movement through them is simple diffusion

  • Movement through them is from high to low concentration

  • All ions pass through the same type of channel


Broca's area of speech is present in

  • frontal lobe

  • parietal lobe and partially in temporal lobe

  • temporal lobe

  • temporal and occipital lobe
