Multiple Choice Questions


Which part of the animal virus is not produced in multiple copies?

  • Capsid

  • Proteins

  • Envelops

  • Ribosome



Envelop of animal virus usually, arise from host cells nuclear or plasma membrane. Viruses do not have ribosomes. Protein of envelopes and capsid are coded by viral genes.


Which of the following is a total root parasite?

  • Cuscuta

  • Rafflesia

  • Santalum

  • Monotrapa

Predation and parasitism are which type of interactions.

  • (+, +)

  • (+, 0 )

  • ( -)

  • (+, -)

The scientific name of gharial is

  • Naja bun garus

  • Gaviails gangeticus

  • Hemidactylusflavivridis

  • None of the above

Niche is

  • all the biological factors in the organism's environment

  • the physical space where an organism lives

  • the functional role played by the organism where it lives

  • the range of temperature that the organism needs to live


Which of these is used to control human population?

  • Estrogen + progesterone

  • IUCD and MTP

  • Tubectomy and vasectomy

  •  All of the above

The ultimate source of energy for a living being is

  • Sunlight

  • ATP

  • Fats

  •  Carbohydrates

Biotic potential or potential natality means

  • Natural increase of population under ideal/optimum conditions

  • The potential of the organism in a biome

  • Number of organisms in a biome

  • Species of maximum number in a population

Which one of the following population interactions is widely used in medical science for the production of antibiotics?

  • Commensalism

  • Mutualism

  • Amensalism

  • Parasitism


Match the following Columns

Column I Column II
A. Opuntia 1. Stem thorns
B. Asparagus 2. Phylloclades
C. Citrus 3. Cladodes

  • A B C
    1 2 3
  • A B C
    2 3 1
  • A B C
    3 2 1
  • A B C
    2 1 3
