Multiple Choice Questions


Dimorphism of chloroplast is found in

  • C3 - plants

  • C4 - plants

  • CAM plants

  • Both (b) and (c)


C4 - plants

C4 plants have Kranz anatomy. The chloroplasts of the mesophyll cells are smaller and have well developed grana, while the chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells are agranal, ie, dimorphic chloroplasts are found in Cplants.


The order of occurrence of the cytochromes in the F1 particle is

  • cyt-b, cyt-c, cyt-a-cyt a3

  • cyt-c, cyt-b, cyt-a-cyt a3

  • cyt-a, cyt-b, cyt-c-cyt a3

  • cyt-a3, cyt-a, cyt-c-cyt b

Chemiosmotic theory of ATP synthesis, in the chloroplast and mitochondria, is based on :

  • proton gradient

  • membrane potential

  • accumulation of K ions

  • accumulation of Na ions

Photorespiration in C3 -plants starts from :

  • glycine

  • glycerate

  • phosphoglycolate

  • phosphoglycerate

Which of the following is photophosphorylation?

  • Production of ATP from ADP

  • Production of NADP

  • Synthesis of ADP from ATP

  • Production of PGA


From which of the following, photosynthetic autotrophs receive their energy?

  • Heat

  • Inorganic chemicals

  • Organic chemicals

  • Light

Plants purify air by which process?

  • Photorespiration

  • Photosynthesis

  • Photophosphorylation

  • Transpiration

Sunken stomata occur in

  • xerophytes

  • hydrophytes

  • mesophytes

  • opsanophytes

The first carbon dioxide fixation in C4 pathway occurs in chloroplasts of

  • guard cells

  • mesophyll cells

  • bundle sheath cells

  • epidermal cells


CO2 acceptor in C3 cycle is

  • OAA

  • RuBP

  • PEP

  • Malic acid
