Multiple Choice Questions


Green potatoes are toxic due to

  • Phytoalexins

  • Solanin

  • Triazine

  • Hormones



Solanin is a glycoalkaloid poison or natural nerve toxin produced in the green part of the potato. It is a bitter poisonous crystalline alkaloid, which helps the plant to defend against predators,insects, diseases, etc Ingestion of it may cause vomiting, diarrhoea, headache and even paralysis of central nervous system.


Which one of the following pairs, is not correctly matched?

  • Abscisic acid - Stomatal closure

  • Gibberellic acid - Leaf fall

  • Cytokinin -  Cell division

  • IAA - Cell wall elongation

Viscum album grown on trees. This is an example of

  • Symbiosis

  • Parasitism

  • Commensalism

  • Predation

The quiescent centre in root meristem serves as a

  • Site for storage of food, which is utilised during maturation

  • Reservoir of growth hormones

  • Reserve for replenishment of damaged cells of the meristem

  • Region for absorption of water

Compare the statements I and II and choose the correct option.

Statement (I) Auxin promotes apical dominance by suppressing the activity of lateral buds.

Statement (II) In moriculture, periodic pruning of shoot tips is done to make mulberry plants bushy.

Choose the correct options

  •  I is false, but II is true

  • II is false, but I is true

  • Both I and II are true

  • Both I and II are false


The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in water column in vessel/tracheids during the ascent of sap because of

  • Lignified thick walls

  • Cohesion and adhesion

  • Weak gravitational pull

  • Transpiration pull

Which one of the following pair is not correctly matched?

  • Almond-Drupe

  • Brinjal-Berry

  • Guava-Pepo

  • Loquat-Pome

Which is a useful product of epidermal origin?

  • Saffron

  • Cotton Fibres

  • Clove

  • Jute

A monocarpic plant is one, which

  • has only one carpel

  • Flowers once in a life-time

  • Produces only one seed

  • Produces only one fruit


In some organisms, karyokinesis is not followed by cytokinesis as a result of which, the multinucleate condition arises leading to the formation of the syncytium. The perfect example of this is

  • The appearance of a furrow in the cell membrane

  • Liquid endosperm in coconut

  • Sexual reproduction

  • Fertilization
