Multiple Choice Questions


Desert can be converted into green land by planting

  • oxylophytes

  • psammophytes

  • halophytes

  • trees



Psammophytes grow on sand and gravel. These plants may convert desert areas into greenland.


The naked seeded plants are the

  • gymnosperms

  • monocots

  • dicots

  • All of these

In Pinus

  • seed is winged but pollen grains are not

  • both seed and pollen grains are wingless

  • pollen grains are winged but seed is not

  • both seeds and pollen grains are winged

Which one of the following pairs of plants are not seed producers?

  • Fern and Funaria

  • Funaria and Ficus

  • Ficus and Pinus

  • All of the above

Which is present in vascular bundle ofPinus?

  • Tracheids

  • Vessels

  • Companion cells

  • All of the above


Water is not necessary for the fertilisation of

  • algae

  • bryophyta

  • Cycas

  • None of these

Respiratory roots (pneumatophores) are present in

  • mesophytes

  • halophytes

  • xerophytes

  • None of these

In algae, the bacteriological filter is

  • Oscillatoria

  • Batrachospermum

  • Nostoc

  • Cosmarium

One of the set is wrongly matched

  • Chrysanthemum - Sucker

  • Garlic  - Cloves

  • Cyanodon - Stolon

  • None of the above


This place in India is called 'The Golden Mine of Liverworts'

  • Eastern Himalayas

  • Western Himalayas

  • Western Ghats

  • Eastern Ghats
