Multiple Choice Questions


Iodine is obtained from

  • Laminaria 

  • Chlorella

  • Polysiphonia

  • Porphyra



Brown algae such as Laminaria, Macrocystis, Fucus etc are the main source of iodine.


Funaria gametophyte is

  • dioecious

  • heteroecious

  • autoecious

  • monoecious and autoecious

Which one of the following is categorised under living fossils?

  • Selaginella

  • Metasequoia

  • Pinus

  • Cycas

Chlorenchyma is known to develop in the

  • spore capsule of a moss

  • pollen tube of Pinus

  • cytoplasm of Chlorella

  • mycellium of a green mould such as Aspergillus

The character found only in halophytes is

  • sunken stomata

  • vivipary

  • velamen tissue

  • heterophylly


Largest moss is

  • Pogonatum

  • Funaria

  • Dawsonia

  • Polytrichum

Which one of the following is a saprophytic bryophyte?

  • Riccia fluitans

  • Buxbaumia aphylla

  • Funaria hygrometrica

  • Sphagnum

Agar-agar is obtained from

  • Chlorella

  • Spirogyra

  • Ulothrix

  • Gelidium

In Funaria, stomata are present on the

  • stem

  • leaves

  • capsule

  • apophysis


Phycobilins absorb light of wavelength

  • 670-700 nm

  • 610-650 nm

  • 500-650 nm

  • 420-520 nm
