Multiple Choice Questions


A plant having seeds but lacking flowers and fruits belong to

  • pteridophytes

  • mosses

  • ferns

  • gymnosperms



The plants having seeds, but lacking flowers and fruits belong to gymnosperms. The gymnosperms have naked seed (ovules) whereas the seed of angiosperms is protected by carples.


Prothallus of fem has :

  • antheridia and archegonia on lower surface

  • antheridia and archegonia on upper surface

  • antheridia on upper surface and archegonia on lower

  • antheridia on lower surface and archegonia on upper surface

Rarely among angiosperms the pollen grains influenced the endosperm. This is called as :

  • Metaxenia

  • Nemec phenomenon

  • Xenia

  • Mesogamy

Pratonema is found in the life cycle of:

  • Spirogyra

  • Rhizopus

  • Escherichia

  • Funaria

A bryophyte which harbours a nitrogen fixing blue-green alga in its thallus is :

  • Pogonatum

  • Riccia

  • Marchantia

  • Anthoceros


Mosses are attached to substratum by :

  • roots

  • capsule

  • rhizoids

  • cistron

A protein rich green alga is :

  • Chlorella

  • Spirulina

  • Spirogyra

  • Ulothrix

Pigments common to all algae are

  • chlorophyll- a and phycobilins

  • chlorophyll- a and carotenoids

  • chlorophyll- a and chlorophyll- b

  • chlorophyll- b and carotenoids

Agar-agar commonly used in bacterial cultures and medication is obtained from :

  • Sargassum 

  • Gelidium

  • Ulothrix

  • Ulva


Male cone of Pinus possesses :

  • mega sporophylls

  • microsporophylls

  • anthers

  • ligules
