Multiple Choice Questions


Hydrophytes are characterised by :

  • thick and large leaf

  • delicate and mucilagenous stem

  • short spinous stem

  • all of the above


delicate and mucilagenous stem

Hydrophytes are the plants that grow only in or on water. In these plants, stem is long, slender, spongy and flexible often covered with mucilage.


Gymnosperms are called naked seed plants because these lack :

  • cotyledon

  • endosperm

  • ovary wall

  • testa

Which of the following groups of algae belongs to class Rhodophyceae?

  • Laminaria, Fucus, Porphyra, Volvox

  • Gelidium, Porphyra, Dictyota, Fucus

  • Gracilaria, Gelidium, Porphyra, Polysiphonia

  • Volvox, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Sargassum

  • Volvox, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Sargassum

The circinate vemation is the characteristic feature of ferns. It refers to :

  • coiling of young leaves

  • arrangement of leaves on stem

  • attachment of sori on leaves

  • heterophilly

The plant body of moss (Funaria) is

  • completely sporophyte

  • predominantly sporophyte with gametophyte

  • completely gametophyte

  • predominantly gametophyte with sporophyte


Pinus seed is originated in :

  • capsule

  • microsporophyll

  • microsporangia

  • megasporophyll

Which of the following plant yields oil and fibre both ?

  • Cocos nucifera

  • Eucalyptus

  • Brassica campestris

  • Euphorbia hirta

The endosperm of Pinus is :

  • haploid

  • diploid

  • triploid

  • polyploid

Algae are useful because they

  • are large in number

  • are used in alcoholic fermentation

  • purify the atmosphere

  • are used in curdling of milk.


Terpentine is obtained from :

  • flowers of angiosperm

  • wood of gymnosperms

  • pteridophytes

  • bacteria
