Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is not a hereditary disease?

  • Cretinism

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Thalassaemia

  • Haemophilia



Cretinism is a disorder which is caused by the deficiency of thyroid hormones in infants. Symptoms of this disorder-

  1. slow body growth and mental development
  2. slow heart beat
  3. low blood pressure
  4. stunted growth
  5. retarded sexual development etc.

This disease can be treated by an early administration of thyroid hormones.


A haemophilic woman marries a normal man then

  • all the children will be normal

  • all the sons will be haemophilic

  • all the girls will be haemophilic

  • half girls will be haemophilic

Husband has blood group A and wife has blood group B. What is the blood group of children

  • A

  • B

  • AB

  • A, B, AB or 0

Using imprints from a plate with complete medium and carrying bacterial colonies, you can select streptomycin resistant mutants and prove that such mutations do not originate as adaptation. These imprints need to be used

  • only on plates with streptomycin

  • on plates with minimal medium

  • only on plates without streptomycin

  • on plates with and without streptomycin

de Vries gave his mutation theory on organic evolution while working on

  • Althea rosea

  • Drosophila melanogaster

  • Oenothera lamarckiana

  • Pisum sativum


In order to find out the different types of gametes produced by a pea plant having the genotype AaBb, it should be crossed to a plant with the genotype

  • aaBB

  • AaBb

  • AABB

  • aabb

A woman with 47 chromosomes due to three copies of chromosome 21 is characterized by

  • Down syndrome

  • triploidy

  • Turner syndrome

  • super femaleness

A man and a woman, who do not show any apparent signs of a certain inherited disease, have seven children (2 daughters and 5 sons). Three of the sons suffer from the given disease but none of the daughters are affected. Which of the following mode of inheritance do you suggest for this disease?

  • Autosomal dominant

  • Sex-linked dominant

  • Sex-limited recessive

  • Sex-linked recessive

A woman with normal vision, but whose father was colourblind, marries a colourblind man. Suppose that the fourth child of this couple was a boy. This boy

  • must have normal colour vision

  • will be partially colourblind since he is heterozygous for the colourblind mutant allele

  • must be colourblind

  • may be colourblind or may be of normal vision


Kappa particles indicate

  • nuclear inheritance

  • cytoplasmic inheritance

  • mutation

  • nucleo-cytoplasmic inheritance
