Multiple Choice Questions


Which one is product of aerobic respiration

  • Malic acid 

  • Ethyl alcohol

  • Lactic acid

  • Pyruvic acid


Lactic acid

If the breathing rate and blood flow cannot supply enough oxygen to your working muscles, the body turns to anaerobic respiration. This is the production of energy without the use of oxygen. This system works by producing lactic acid to facilitate energy production.


Which of the metabolites is common to respiration mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?

  • Glucose-6-phosphate

  • Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate

  • Pyruvic acid

  • Acetyl Co-A

TCA cycle enzymes are located in

  • cristae

  • outer membrane

  • mitochondrial matrix

  • mitochondrial intermembrane space

How many ATP molecules will be generated in a plant system . during complete oxidation of 40 moles of glucose?

  • 190

  • 380

  • 1520

  • 3040

How many ATP are produced when one molecule of FADH2 is oxidised to FAD through electron transport system?

  • 2

  • 3

  • 1

  • 4


Out of 38 molecules of ATP produced upon aerobic respiration of glucose, the break up if ATP production in glycolysis (P), pyruvate to acetyl Co- A formation (Q) and Krebs' cycle (R) is as follows

  • P= 2, Q= 6, R= 30

  • P= 8, Q= 6,R= 24

  • P= 8, Q= 10, R= 2

  • P= 2, Q= 12, R= 24

Respiratory enzymes are present in the following organelle

  • peroxysome

  • chloroplast

  • mitochondrion

  • lysosome

Which of the following substances yield less than 4 kcal/mol when its phosphate bond is hydrolysed

  • Creatine phosphate

  • ADP

  • Glucose-6-phosphate

  • ATP

Citric acid cycle is the alternate name of which of the following

  • HMP shunt

  • Glycolysis

  • TCA cycle

  • Calvin cycle


The three boxes in this diagram represent the three major biosynthetic pathways in aerobic respiration. Arrows represent net reactants or products

Arrows numbered 4, 8 and 12 can all be 

  • NADH

  • ATP

  • H2O

  • FAD+ or FADH2
