Multiple Choice Questions


Outgrowth developing along with hilum of the seed is:

  • Plumule

  • Radicle

  • Strophiole

  • Perisperm



Strophiole is the outgrowth developed along with hilum of the seed.


Phytochrome occurs in two forms. In which form it promotes the germination of seeds of some species ?

  • Pfr forms

  • Pr forms

  • Both forms

  • None of these

Aleuron layer is found in :

  • embryo

  • nucellus

  • endosperm

  • endodermis

Removal of top fertile soil by wind or water is :

  • Siltation

  • Soil erosion

  • Weathering of soil

  • Leaching

Anthesis means

  • growth of pollen tube inside the carpel

  • dehiscence of anthers

  • opening of floral bud

  • emergence of anthers


Pollination occuring from one flower to another of same plant is :

  • autogamy

  • allogamy

  • geitenogamy

  • none of these

Diadelphous stamens are the characteristic features of :

  • Ranunculaceae

  • Fabaceae

  • Poaceae

  • Malvaceae

The formation of embryo without fusion of gametes is termed as :

  • apospory

  • isogamy

  • apogamy

  • syngamy

Seed which are able to withstand reduction in moisture and temperature are called

  • dormant seeds

  • recalcitrant seeds

  • orthodox seeds

  • non- viable seeds


Tetradynamous stamens are found in :

  • Chrysanthemum

  • Zinnia

  • Poppy

  • Brassica
