
Multiple Choice Questions

In the circulatory system of Pheretima, A, B, C and D represents

  • A - Lateral hearts; B - Sub neural vessel; C - Commissural vessel; D - Lateral oesophageal vessel

  • A - Lateral hearts; B - Lateral oesophageal vessel; C - Sub- neural vessel; D - Commissural vessel

  • A - Lateral hearts; B - Commissural vessel; C - Sub- neural vessel; D - Lateral oesophageal vessel

  • A - Commissural vessels; B - Lateral hearts; C - Lateral oesophageal vessel; D - Sub- neural vessel

  • A - Commissural vessels; B - Lateral hearts; C - Lateral oesophageal vessel; D - Sub- neural vessel

Which one is a specialized connective tissue among these?

  • Adipose tissue

  • Bone

  • Areolar tissue

  • Fibroblasts

  • Fibroblasts


  • are uricotelic

  • have olfactory lobes in the midbrain

  • do not have renal portal system

  • have lymphatic system

  • have lymphatic system

Mesorchium in frog in a/an

  • Opening of conus arteriosus

  • Peritoneal fold which adheres the testis to the upper part of the kidneys

  • Part of the hind brain

  • Tissue by which ovaries are attached to the peritoneal cavity

  • Tissue by which ovaries are attached to the peritoneal cavity


Through mosaic vision, a cockroach can receive

  • Several images of an object with less sensitivity but less resolution

  • Only one image of an object with less sensitivity but less resolution

  • Several image of an object with less sensitivity but more resolution

  • Only one image of an object with less sensitivity but more resolution

  • Only one image of an object with less sensitivity but more resolution

Tendons, which attach one bone to another bone are made up of

  • Dense regular connective tissue

  • Dense irregular connective tissue

  • Areolar tissue

  • Adipose tissue

  • Adipose tissue

Role of calciferous glands in the stomach of earthworm is to

  • Neutralize the humic acid in the humus

  • Produce HCI

  • Emulsify fats

  • Increase the absorptive area

  • Increase the absorptive area

Which among these is not involved in excretion in cockroaches?

  • Malphigian tubules

  • Nephrocytes

  • Urecose glands

  • Maxillary palps

  • Maxillary palps


Match the following regarding the morphology of cockroach and choose the correct option

Column I Column II
i. Tergites A. Forewings
ii. Tegmina B. Upper lip
iii. Hypopharynx C. Dorsal sclerite
iv. Labium D. Tongue
v. Labrum E. Lower lip

  • i - D; ii - E; iii - C; iv - B; v - A

  • i - B; ii - C; iii - E; iv - D; v - A

  • i - E; ii - A; iii - C; iv - D; v - B

  • i - C; ii - A; iii - D; iv - E; v - B

  • i - C; ii - A; iii - D; iv - E; v - B

The structure in earthworm which serves as a wedge to force open cracks in the soil is

  • Peristomium

  • Setae

  • Clitellum

  • Typhlosole

  • Typhlosole
