Multiple Choice Questions


The blood of cockroach contains no respiratory pigment. It means that

  • respiration is anaerobic

  • cockroach does not respire

  • oxygen goes directly into tissues by diffusion

  • oxygen goes into tissue by intracellular capillary system


oxygen goes directly into tissues by diffusion

Class- Insecta of Phylum- Arthropoda, is characterised by the presence of three pairs of legs and absence of respiratory pigments in blood, eg, cockroach, mosquito.

In cockroach, respiration is aerobic and oxygen goes into tissues by diffusion through the trachea.


The stratified epithelium is found in

  • Seminiferous tubule

  • Fallopian tube

  • Nasal cavity

  • Kidney tubules

Organisms who are able to freely interbreed producing fertile off-springs and having a similar blueprint for making these organisms are referred to as

  • Species

  • Tribe

  • Genus

  • Sub-genus

The female genital pore of Pheretima posthuma located upon the segment

  • 14th

  • 16th

  • 18th

  • 15th

In Pheretima, septa are absent between which segments?

  • 3/4 and 9/10

  • 4/5 and 8/9

  • 5/6 and 7/8

  • 7/8 and 6/7


Sciatic vein of frog opens in

  • heart

  • kidney

  • pelvic region

  • liver

In most fungi, cell wall is chiefly made of

  • Cellulose

  • Chitin

  • Protein

  • Lipid

Which is common between earthworm, leech and centipede?

  • They have Malphigian tubules

  • They are hermaphrodite

  • They have ventral nerve cord

  • None of the above

The basic unit of classification is

  • Species

  • Genus

  • Family

  • Phylum


In cockroach, larval and nymphal characters are maintained by

  • ecdysone

  • salivary glands

  • parotid gland

  • juvenile hormone
