Multiple Choice Questions


Vth cranial nerve of frog is called

  • optic nerve

  • vagus

  • trigeminal

  • opthalmic



The first 10 pairs of cranial nerves are common in frog and rabbit. First  5 pairs are as follows:

I. Olfatory

II. Optic

III. Oculomotor

IV. Trochlear

V. Trigeminal- (i) Ophthalmic

                     (ii) Maxillary

                     (iii) Mandibular


Earthworms are economically important for man as these are used as

  • bait for catching fish

  • food of poultry

  • medicine for gout

  • All of the above

The centrum of eighth vertebra of frog is

  • procoelous

  • heterocoelous

  • amphicoelous

  • opisthocoelous

Which of the following is a transparent tissue ?

  • Tendon

  • Fibrous cartilage

  • Hyaline cartilage

  • All of the above

The female genital pore of Pheretima posthuma located upon the segment ?

  • 14th

  • 16th

  • 18th

  • 15th


Which one is uricotelic ?

  • Frog and toads

  • Lizards and birds/cockroach

  • Cattle, monkey and man

  • Molluscs and teleost fishes

Haemocoel is found in :

  • Hydra and Aurelia

  • Taenia and Ascaris

  • cockroach and Pila

  • Balanoglossus and Herdmania

Different colours of frog skin are controlled by:

  • hormones

  • melanocytes

  • nervous system

  • both 'a' and 'c'

Blastula of frog has :

  • blastopore

  • blastocoel

  • arahenteron

  • gastropore


Carotene pigment is found in the cells of

  • dermis

  • epidermis

  • adipose cell

  • both 'b' and 'c
