Multiple Choice Questions


Which ofthe following is not true for a species?

  • Members of a species can interbreed

  • Variations occurs among members of a species

  • Each species is reproductively isolated from every other species

  • Gene flow does not occur between the populations of a species


Gene flow does not occur between the populations of a species

Gene flow means the spread of genes through populations as affected by movements of
individual and their propagules e.g., spores, seeds etc. It ensures that all populations of a given species share a common gene pool i.e., it reduces difference between populations. The interruption of gene flow between populations is a pre-requisite for the formation of new species.


 Match the following Columns.

Column I (Cell Organelle) Column II (Discovered by)
A. Ribosome 1. Fontana
B. Nucleolus 2. Tolbert and Yamazaki
C. Glyoxysome 3. Palade
D. Peroxisome 4. Beevers

  • A – 1; B – 4; C – 2; D – 3

  • A – 3; B – 4; C – 1; D – 2

  •  A – 1; B – 3; C – 2; D – 4

  • A – 3; B – 1; C – 4; D – 2

Match items in Column- I with those in Column- II

Column- I Column- II
A. Peritrichous flagellation 1. Ginkgo
B. Living fossil 2. Macrocystes
C. Rhizophore 3. Escherichia coli
D. Smallest flowering plant 4. Selaginella
E. Largest perennial alga 5.Wolffia

Select the correct answer from the following

  • A B C D E

    2 1 3 4 5

  • A B C D E

    5 3 2 5 1

  • A B C D E

    1 2 5 3 2

  • A B C D E

    3 1 4 5 2

Rauwolffia serpentina is used in

  • Curing high blood pressure

  • Kidney failure

  • Eye defect

  • Diabetes

First National Park developed in India is

  • Gir

  • Kaziranga

  • Jim Corbett

  • None of these


 Protonema is the stage in the life cycle of

  • Cycas

  • Funaria

  • Selaginella

  • Mucor

Calyptra develops from

  • Venter wall of archegonium

  • Outgrowth of gametophyte

  • Neck wall of archegonium

  • Paraphysis of the archegonial branch

Systema Naturae was written by

  • Linnaeus

  • Aristotle

  • Hippocrates

  • Darwin

Indian rhinoceros are protected in

  • Gir forest

  • Kaziranga National Park

  • Bandipur National Park

  • Ranthambore National Park


The plant of Triticum aestivum is

  • Haploid

  • Diploid

  • Tetraploid

  • Hexaploid
