Multiple Choice Questions


The human body does not produce

  • enzyme

  • DNA

  • vitamins

  • hormones



Vitamins are accessory fast factors, required in small quantity for controlling metabolism and body functioning, e.g., they help keeping our eyes, bones, teeth and gums healthy, but do not provide energy. Vitamins are an essential component of our diet, because they are not produced inside the body and in the absence of vitamins, a number of chemical reactions cannot take place.


Which of the following statements is true?

  • Denaturation of protein changes the primary structure of protein

  • All proteins act as biocatalyst

  • C-terminal amino acid in proteins is determined by Edman degradation

  • The pleated sheet structure of proteins was determined by Pauling

Which of the following is not a biopolyme?

  • Polysaccharide

  • Protein

  • Lipid

  • Nucleic acid

Fibrous protein are not present in

  • myosin

  • albumins

  • collagen

  • fibroin

Which of the following food-stuffs contains nitrogen?

  • Carbohydrates

  • fats

  • Proteins

  • None of these


Which of the following is not present in DNA?

  • Adenine

  • Guanine

  • Uracil

  • Thymine

Which of the following is not basic amino acid?

  • Leucine

  • Lysine

  • Arginine

  • Histidine

Which of the following is involved in formation of heme?

  • Lysine

  • Glycine

  • Tryosine

  • Arginine

Glucose is obtained from

  • Starch

  • Molasses

  • Both (a) and (b)

  • None of these


Which of the following contains thymine?

  • m-RNA

  • r-RNA

  • t-RNA

  • None of the above
