Multiple Choice Questions


The liquefied metal expanding on solidification is

  • Ga

  • Al

  • Zn

  • Cu.



Gallium is brittle at low temperature but is liquid above room temperature and can indeed melt in the hand. Gallium metal expands by 3.1 percent when it solidifies, and  therefore should not be stored in either glass or metal containers. Gallium also corrodes most other metals by diffusing into their metal lattice.


Which of the following elements never show positive oxidation number ?

  • O

  • Fe

  • Ga

  • F

Which of the follownig elements, is most electronegative ?

  • F

  • O

  • Ne

  • Na

How does the ionisation energy of 1st group elements vary ?

  • Increases down the group

  • Decreases down the group

  • Remains unchanged

  • Variation is not regular

The compound insoluble in water is

  • mercurous nitrate

  • mercuric nitrate

  • mercurous chloride

  • mercurous perchlorate.


Which among the following elements have lowest value of IE1 ?

  • Pb

  • Sn

  • Si

  • C

Hydrogen in respect to chlorine, is :

  • electropositive

  • electronegative

  • neutral

  • none of the above

Dominance of strong repulsive forces among the molecules of the gas (Z = compressibility factor)

  • depends on Z and indicated by Z = 1

  • depends on Z and indicated by Z > 1

  • depends on Z and indicated by Z < 1

  • is independent of Z.

The first ionisation potential is maximum for :

  • B

  • N

  • O

  • Be


Which of the following element is a metalloid ?

  • Bi

  • Sn

  • Ge

  • C
