Multiple Choice Questions


................ being a higher category, is the assemblage of families which exhibit a few similar characters.

  • Order

  • Species

  • Genus

  • Class




The female sex organs in a flower is the ............

  • Zoospores

  • Stamen

  • Pistil

  • Chlorophyceae

The male sex organs in a flower is the ..............

  • zoospores

  • stamen

  • pistil

  • chlorophyceae

In animals like Annelids, Molluscs, organs have associated to form functional systems, each system concerned with a specific physiological function. This pattern is called ________ system level of organization.

  • organ

  • open

  • closed

  • coelom

Sycon (Scypha), Spongilla (Fresh water sponge) and Euspongia (Bath sponge) are examples of which Phylum?

  • Coelenterata

  • Platyhelminthes

  • Ctenophora

  • Porifera


Who discovered Circulatory System?

  • Thomas Edison

  • William Harvey

  • Robert Hooke

  • Robert Boyles

A healthy adult man has, on an average, ............ (in millions) of RBC mm-3 of blood.

  • 5 - 5.5

  • 4 - 4.5

  • 3 - 3.5

  • 6 - 6.5

Animals in which the cells are arranged in two embryonic layers are called ________.

  • Diploblastic

  • Extoderm

  • Tripoblastic

  • Endoderm

A multicellular organism grows by ..............

  • cell addition

  • cell explosion

  • cell implosion

  • cell division


............. influences are the rate of weathering and humus in soil formation.

  • Flora & Fauna

  • Time

  • Parent rock

  • Climate
