Multiple Choice Questions


What is the full form of 'LAN'?

  • Line Area Network

  • Linear Area Network

  • Local Area Network

  • Land Area Network


Local Area Network



In which graphics digital photos and scanned images are typically stored with extensions such as .bmp, .png, .jpg, tif or. gif?

  • Bitmap

  • Pixels

  • Plane

  • Both Bitmap and Pixels

Which among the following is a 'Modifier key'?

  • Control

  • Shift

  • Alt

  • All options are correct

CAD stands for ............

  • Common Aided Design

  • Computer-Aided Design

  • Complex Aided Design

  • Communication Aided Design

FORTRAN is not used for.............

I.   Drawing pictures
II.  Carrying out mathematics computations

  • Only I

  • Only II

  • Both I and II

  • Neither I nor II


What is the full form of JPEG?

  • Joint Photographic Experts Group

  • Joint Protocol Experts Graphics

  • Joint Programming Experts Graphics

  • Joint Project Experts Group

C ++ is.............

  • an operating system

  • a programming language

  • a software

  • None of these

Who is known for the invention of 'World Wide Web'?

  • Sir Tim-Berners-Lee

  • Maxwell

  • Martin Cooper

  • S.A. Forbes

What is a bug in computer terminology?

  • A virus

  • A program

  • An error in program

  • Magnetic disk storage device


An I.P. address is ........... bit number.

  • 8

  • 32

  • 64

  • 104
