Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following gas contributes the maximum to the phenomena of global warming?

  • Methane

  • Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)

  • Nitrogen dioxide

  • Carbon dioxide


Carbon dioxide


Soil having high content of aluminum and iron oxide is also known as ________.

  • meadow soil

  • pedalfer soil

  • chernozen soil

  • podzols soil

Which vitamin is obtained from Sun-rays?

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin K

  • Vitamin D

Which among the following is a major cause of acid rain?

  • Carbon dioxide

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Nitrogen dioxide

  • Oxygen

What is nature of pH of Milk?

  • Slightly Acidic

  • Slightly Basic

  • Highly Acidic

  • Highly Basic


Which of the following gas was released during Bhopal gas tragedy?

  • Methyl isocyanate

  • Sodium isothiocyanate

  • Nitrogen isothiocyanate

  • Potassium isothiocyanate

Which one of the following is an ore of Aluminium?

  • Galena

  • Cryollite

  • Cinnabar

  • Epsom Salt

Which among the following is not an example of emulsion?

  • Chocolate-Milk

  • Butter

  • Whipped Cream

  • Curd

Which colour is formed when Red and Green are mixed?

  • Light Blue

  • Yellow

  • White

  • Grey


Match the following:

Scientist Invention
1. Joseph Thomson a. Optical Fiber
2. Alexander Fleming b. Radium
3. Narinder Kapany  c. Electron
4.  Marie Curie d. Penicillin

  • 1 - c,   2 - d,   3 - a,   4 - b

  • 1 - a,   2 - d,   3 - c,   4 - b

  • 1 - c,   2 - a,   3 - d,   4 - b

  • 1 - a,   2 - d,   3 - b,   4 - c
