Multiple Choice Questions


Match the following.

Country Currency
1. Bangladesh a. Ngultrum
2. Myanmar b. Rufiyaa
3. Maldives c. Taka
4. Bhutan d. Kyat


  • 1 - d,  2 - c,  3 - a,  4 - b

  • 1 - b,  2 - d,  3 - a,  4 - c

  • 1 - c,  2 - d,  3 - b,  4 - a

  • 1 - c,  2 - d,  3 - a,  4 - b


1 - c,  2 - d,  3 - b,  4 - a


Which type of forests majorly comprises of lichens and mosses?

  • Taiga forests

  • Tundra forests

  • Temperate mixed forests

  • Tropical evergreen forests

Which of the following imaginary lines join places with same level of rainfalls?

  • Contour lines

  • Isobaths lines

  • Isohyets lines

  • Isobar lines

Doldrums pressure belts lies in between which of the following latitudes?

  • 5° N to 5° S

  • 35° to 60°N and S

  • 25° to 35°N and S

  • 35° to 45°N and S

Which of the following planet is known as 'Earth's twin'?

  • Mercury

  • Venus

  • Jupiter

  • Saturn


Jallikattu practised in Tamil Nadu is a part of which festival?

  • Onam

  • Pongal

  • Natuanjali

  • Hampi

Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar islands?

  • Mount Koya

  • Mount Diavolo

  • Saddle Peak

  • Mount Thuiller

How many Indian states share their boundaries with Nepal?

  • 3

  • 4

  • 8

  • 5

Which Indian state has the largest share of the Wastelands in India?

  • Gujarat

  • Andhra Pradesh

  • Madhya Pradesh

  • Rajasthan


Which of the following neighbouring country of India is not a landlocked country?

  • Nepal

  • Myanmar

  • Bhutan

  • Afghanistan
