Multiple Choice Questions


If the orbit of a planet is an ellipse then what is the point at which the Sun is located called?

  • Centre

  • Circumcentre

  • Incentre

  • Focus




Which type of forest is most widespread in India?

  • Tropical Evergreen Forests

  • Tropical Deciduous Forests

  • Montane Forests

  • Mangrove Forests

In the north-west, India shares its land boundaries with which country?

  • Sri Lanka

  • Myanmar

  • Bangladesh

  • Pakistan

During their rule the British Persuaded or forced cultivators in Madras to grow.............

  • Jute

  • Tea

  • Sugarcane

  • Rice

Which of the following state receives rainfall due to western disturbances?

  • Punjab

  • West Bengal

  • Kerala

  • Gujarat


Night Blindness is caused by deficiency of which of the following vitamin?

  • Vitamin B

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin K

  • Vitamin A

Which of the following has maximum diurnal temperature difference?

  • Desert

  • Mountains

  • Plateau

  • Ocean

The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali rivers is known as ..............

  • Punjab Himalayas

  • Nepal Himalayas

  • Kumaon Himalayas

  • Assam Himalayas

The northern plain of India has been formed by the interplay of the three major river system, namely - the Indus, the Ganga and the..........

  • Brahmaputra

  • Krishna

  • Kaveri

  • Mahanadi


Why does Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats both receive sufficient rainfall but Deccan Plateau receives scanty rainfall?

  • It is a rain shadow area

  • It is located parallel to wind direction

  • It is away from the coast

  • Rain-bearing clouds are absent
