Multiple Choice Questions


The queen with the title Didda ruled over which part of India between 980-1003?

  • Avadh

  • Kashmir

  • Sindh

  • Bengal




Which Governor General abolished the 'Sati System' in India?

  • Lord Canning

  • Lord Ripon

  • Lord William Bentinck

  • Lord Dalhousie

Who was the pioneer of Chipko Movement of 1973?

  • Sambaji

  • Baba Amte

  • Sunderlal Bahuguna

  • Medha Patkar

The Poona Pact was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and ................

  • Muhammad Ali Jinnah

  • Lord Irwin

  • Subhash Chandra Bose

  • B.R. Ambedkar

Big landlords or warrior chiefs in the seventh century were acknowledged as .......... by the existing kings.

  • Rashtrakutas

  • Chalukya

  • Samantas

  • Brahmanas


The Red fort in Delhi was the residence of emperors of which dynasty in the 16th century?

  • Rajput

  • Khalji

  • Tughlaq

  • Mughal

During their rule the British persuaded or forced cultivators in Punjab to grow...

  • Jute

  • Tea

  • Sugarcane

  • Wheat

The Agra fort was built by

  • Shah Jahan

  • Akbar

  • Jahangir

  • Babur

How many states does India have as of June 2017?

  • 26

  • 27

  • 28

  • 29


Jama Masjid of Delhi was built in which century?

  • 15th

  • 16th

  • 17th

  • 18th
