Multiple Choice Questions


Sher Khan defeated .......... at Chausa (1539) and Kanauj (1540), forcing him to flee to Iran.

  • Aurangzeb

  • Humayun

  • Muhammad Azam Shah

  • Bahadur Shah I




Murshid Quli Khan, Alivardi Khan and Sirajuddaullah were all nawabs of ...........

  • Lucknow

  • Varanasi

  • Hyderabad

  • Bengal

According to the categories of land mentioned in the Chola inscriptions .........was known as the land of non-Brahmana peasant proprietors.

  • Vellanvagai

  • Brahmadeya

  • Shalabhoga

  • Devadana

............ first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara Rajputs.

  • Delhi

  • Pataliputra

  • Calcutta

  • Taxila

Noor Jahan was the wife of which Mughal Emperor?

  • Babur

  • Akbar

  • Shah Jahan

  • Jahangir


Who was the architect of Humayun's Tomb?

  • Ustad Ahmad of Lahouri

  • George Wittet

  • Mirak Mirza Ghiyath

  • Yaqut of Dabul

After the defeat at Plassey, Sirajuddaullah was assassinated and ........... was made the nawab.

  • Mir Jafar

  • Mir Qasim

  • Haider Ali

  • Tipu Sultan

Sher Shah Suri defeated which Mughal emperor?

  • Humayun

  • Timur Lang

  • Nadir Shah

  • Ahmed Shah Abdali

According to the categories of land mentioned in the Chola inscriptions.........was known as the land gifted to temples.

  • Vellanvagai

  • Brahmadeya

  • Shalabhoga

  • Devadana


Rajendra I was the son of

  • Bindusara I

  • Devabhuti I

  • Skand Gupta I

  • Rajaraja I
