
Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following Country doesn't have a written Constitution?

  • United Kingdom

  • Australia

  • United States of America

  • Bangladesh

India has taken the concept of 'Judicial Review' from which country's constitution?

  • United States

  • United Kingdom

  • Canada

  • Ireland

In the Indian Parliamentary System, 'Vote on Account' is valid for how many months (except the year of elections)?

  • 2 months

  • 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 9 months

Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed for how many years?

  • 2

  • 4

  • 6

  • 5


Who is the custodian of Contingency Fund of India?

  • The Prime Minister

  • Judge of Supreme Court

  • The President

  • The Finance Minister

Which article was referred to as 'the heart and soul' of the constitution by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar?

  • Article - 4

  • Article - 32

  • Article - 28

  • Article - 30

Which of the following does not come under Fundamental Duty?

  • To safeguard public property

  • To protect and improve the natural environment

  • To promote harmony

  • To protect freedom of speech and expression

Which of the following is not a fundamental duty?

  • To abide by constitution and respect the National Flag

  • To promote harmony and brotherhood

  • To uphold and protect the sovereignty

  • Abolition of titles except military and academic


How many times a person can be elected as the President of India?

  • One time

  • Two times

  • Three times

  • No bar

Which of the following provision needs a special majority in Parliament?

  • Change in Fundamental Rights

  • Creation of New States

  • Abolition of Legislative Councils in State

  • Rules and Procedures in Parliament
