Multiple Choice Questions


If 'A + B' means 'A is father of B', 'A – B' means 'A is mother of B', 'A * B' means 'A is brother of B' and 'A % B' means 'A is sister of B', then how is Q related to S in 'P + Q * R – S'?

  • Husband

  • Uncle

  • Brother

  • Father



P + Q =  P is the father of Q,
Q * R = Q is the brother of R,
R - S = R is the mother of S,
Lets simply
 As P is the father of (Q and R), (Q and R) are brother and sisters and (R) is the mother of (S), therefore, Q is the uncle of S.


F is the brother of A. C is the daughter of A. K is the sister of F, G is the brother of C. Who is the uncle of G?

  • A

  • C

  • K

  • F


Anand is the son of Perma. Rajeev is the brother of Prema. Neha is the daughter of Rashmi. Neha is the sister of Rajeev. How is Anand related to Rashmi?

  • Son

  • Grandson

  • Grandfather

  • Granddaughter


M is son of P, Q is the grand-daughter of O, who is the husband of P. How is M related to O?

  • Son

  • Daughter

  • Mother

  • Father


Prema is Ajay's sister. Benita is Ajay's mother. Benjamin is Benita's father. Leela is Benjamin's mother. How is Prema related to Leela

  • Daughter-in-law

  • Daughter

  • Grand Daughter

  • Great Grand Daughter



A’ is the sister of ‘B’. ‘B’ is married to ‘D’. ‘B’ and ‘D’ have a daughter ‘G’. How is ‘G’ related to ‘A’?

  • Sister

  • Daughter

  • Niece 

  • Cousin


Mithilesh said to Neha, 'Your only brother's son is my wife's brother.' How is Neha related to the wife of Mithilesh?

  • Aunt

  • Mother-in-law

  • Sister

  • Mother


Introducing a lady, a lady said, 'She is the only daughter of Mohan's grandfather who is my husband's father'. How does the lady relate herself with the introduced lady?

  • Aunt

  • Mother

  • Mother-in-law

  • Sister-in-law

X is the husband of Y. W is the daughter of X. Z is the husband of W. N is the daughter of Z. What is the relationship of N to Y ?

  • Cousin

  • Niece

  • Daughter

  • Granddaughter


P and Q are brothers. P is the father of S. R is the only son of Q and is married to U. How is U related to S?

  • Sister-in-law

  • Mother-in-law

  • Sister

  • Mother
