Multiple Choice Questions


Kamal starts walking from his home facing west direction. After walking 10 km he takes a right turn and walks another 10 km. He takes another right turn and walks 10 km to reach his school. How far (in km) and in which direction is he from his home?

  • 10, North

  • 10, South

  • 20, North-East

  • 20, South-West


10, North


A and B start from the same point. A cycles 10 km South, then turns to her right and cycles 9 km. B cycles 2 km North, then turns West and cycles 15 km, then turns to her left and cycles 12 km. Where is B with respect to A now?

  • 6 km West

  • 6 km East

  • 24 km East

  • 24 km East

From a point, Lokesh starts walking towards south and after walking 30 metres he turns to his right and walks 20 metres, then he turns right again and walks 30 metres. He finally turns to his left and walk 40 metres. In which direction is he with reference to the starting point?

  • North-West

  • East

  • West

  • South

Abhinav travels 10 km north then turns left. Then he travels 6 km and turns right and cover another 7 km. He finally turns to right and travels another 6 km. How far (in km) is he from the point of starting his journey?

  • 14 km

  • 16 km

  • 15 km

  • 17 km

Punit starting from point R walked straight 10 km west, then turned right and walked 12 km and again turned right and walked straight 7 km. In which direction is he from point R?

  • North-East

  • North-West

  • South-East

  • South-West
