
Multiple Choice Questions

According to _______, 'Development of the child is the product of heredity and environment'.

  • Woodworth

  • Garrett

  • Holland

  • Thorndike

Which of the following best describes the extent of effect of heredity upon development?

  • Heredity determines how far an individual will develop

  • Heredity determines how far an individual can develop

  • Both (A) and (B)

  • Neither (A) nor (B)

________ plays a significant role in the development of personality.

  • A blend of heredity and environment

  • Number of examinations

  • Heredity

  • Environment

Which one of these is not a principle of development?

  • Development is modifiable

  • Development is governed and determined by culture alone

  • Development is life-long

  • Development is influenced by both heredity and environment


Psychosocial theory of development was proposed by

  • Erikson

  • Freud

  • Kohler

  • Watson

Which one of these is a principle of child development?

  • Development occurs due to interaction between maturation and experience

  • Development can accurately predict the pace of each individual child

  • Experience is the sole determinant of development

  • Development is determined by reinforcement and punishment

Latency period in psychosexual development is related to the age range of

  • 2-5 years

  • 6 to puberty

  • 18-20 years

  • 20-22 years

_______ is the sum total of innate personality characteristics.

  • Similarity

  • Continuality

  • Heredity

  • Pugnacity


Normal males have XY chromosomes whereas normal females have

  • XX chromosomes

  • XYY chromosomes

  • XXX chromosome

  • X chromosome

In the context of 'nature-nurture' debate, which one of the following statements seems appropriate to you?

  • A child is like a blank slate whose character can be moulded by the environment into any shape

  • Children are genetically predisposed to what they would be like irrespective of whatever environment they grow up in

  • Environmental influences only have a little value in shaping up a child's behaviour which is primarily genetically determined

  • Heredity and environment are inseparably interwoven and both influence development
