Multiple Choice Questions


Ego' is guided by

  • Pleasure principle

  • Reality principle

  • Idealistic principle

  • General principle


Reality principle

The ego is based on the reality principle. The ego understands that other people have needs and desires sometimes being impulsive or selfish that can hurt us in the long run. It creates a balance between the id ( desires ) and the superego (the moral values ).


Their term 'eros' is related to.

  • Life Instinct

  • Death Instinct

  • Fear Instinct

  • Natural Instinct

Which factor influences the colour of eye?

  • Environment

  • Heredity

  • Hormones

  • Society

Cholecystokinin is a hormone, which when injected in human body.

  • Increases appetite

  • Increases appetite and thirst

  • Decreases appetite

  • Decreases appetite and thirst

A child when scolded in class by a teacher returns home and shows anger to his/her sister is an example of

  • Displacement

  • Sublimation

  • Conversion

  • Reaction formation


Central nervous system consists of ......................

  • all organs

  • brain

  • spinal cord

  • brain and spinal cord

The concept of developmental task was proposed by

  • Hollingworth

  • Jean Piaget

  • Havighurst

  • Hall

The unique interaction of ................ and ................ can result in different paths and outcomes of development.

  • heredity, environment

  • challenges, limitations

  • stability, change

  • exploration, nutrition
