Multiple Choice Questions



(Model Concept)



(a) Sector Model (i) Model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are spatially arranged in a series of rings.
(b) Concentric Zone Model (ii) Nucleus of a city where retail stores and offices are concentrated.
(c) Bid-Rent Theory (iii) Theory that refers how price and demand on real estate changes as distance towards CBD increases.
(d) Central Business District (CBD) (iv) Model of internal structure of cities in which social groups are arranged around a series of sectors or wedges radiating from CBD.
  • (a)-(ii) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(iv) , (d)-(i)

  • (a)-(iv) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(ii) , (d)-(i)

  • (a)-(iii) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(iv) , (d)-(ii)

  • (a)-(i) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(iv)  , (d)-(ii)

  • (a)-(i) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(iv)  , (d)-(ii)


(a)-(iv) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(ii) , (d)-(i)


ASSERTION (A) : The decade of 1990s witnessed urbanisation process speeding up economic growth in India.

REASON (R) : The urbanisation process resulted in a growing shortage of urban services and an overall deterioration in the quality-of-urban-life indices.

  • (A) is false , but (R) is true.

  • Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  • Both (A) and (R) are true , but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)

  • (A) is true , but (R) is false.

Which one of the following principles is representative of the following figue in Christaller's Model ?       


  • Transport Principle

  • Administrative Principle 

  • Marketing Principle

  • Threshold Principle

Rural house is an index of the -

  • Racial Element

  • Modern Archietectural  Design

  • Fashion and Style

  • Environment

Which one of the following characteristics are required for any area to be called an urban area according to census of India ?

(a) Any place with municipality , corporation , cantonment or notified town area.

(b) At least 70% of male working population engaged in non-agricultural activities.

(c) Minimum population of 5000 persons.

(d) Density of population of 100 persons per square kilometer.

  • (a) and (b)

  • (a),(b) and (c)

  • (a) and (c)

  • (a),(b),(c),(d)


Which one of the following kinds of towns was not planned and developed during the British Rule in India ?

  • Cantonment Towns 

  • Model Towns 

  • Railway colonies

  • Hill Stations

For expediting the development of small and medium sized towns , the scheme of Integrated Development of Small and Medium Towns (IST) was initiated during the:

  • Eighth Five Year Plan

  • Sixth Five Year Plan

  • Fifth Five Year Plan

  • Ninth Five Year Plan

Which one of the following economic principles is correct for organisations of settlements based on K=4 presented in the Christaller's central place model ?

  • Agricultural activities

  • Transport 

  • Adminiatrative

  • Marketing

Which one of the following is correct statement for Patna city in Bihar and Kolkata city in West Bengal ?

  • Edge City

  • World City

  • Post Industrial City

  • Primate City



(Name of the Town)


(Name of River)

(a) Ayodhya (i) Yamuna
(b) Harappa  (ii) Indus
(c) Shahjahanbad (iii) Saryu
(d) Mohenjodaro (iv) Ravi
  • (a)-(ii) , (b)-(iii) , (c)-(iv) , (d)-(i)

  • (a)-(iv) , (b)-(i) , (c)-(ii) , (d)-(iii)

  • (a)-(i) , (b)-(ii) , (c)-(iii) , (d)-(iv)

  • (a)-(iii) , (b)-(iv) , (c)-(i) , (d)-(ii)
